Patreon #16 - ACES Pipeline for Redshift & Custom OCIO Profiles *Available March 4th* / by Saul Espinosa


Hey guys! This month Patreon tutorial will be another technical one. This is a complex and confusing subject matter that I see asked about a lot. I figured I would make a tutorial covering ACES & OCIO for CGI. There isn't a lot of information about these subjects out on the web so this will be perfect for people interested in ACES + OCIO pipelines across multiple applications.

I will cover ACES setup, texture asset conversions, ACES input/output spaces. Keeping ACES the same across multiple applications, and finally, how to make a custom OCIO profile we can use in all OCIO capable application. This is a complex and in-depth tutorial I think many users will benefit from. As usual, all files will be included with the tutorial. The tutorial will be posted for all my Patrons March 4th. Thanks!